The Benefits of Chlorophylls

by Miral khattak

Some studies show that chlorophylls can help the skin heal, fight against cancer, and lose weight, among other things. Wheatgrass and parsley are natural sources. Before taking chlorophyll pills, you should talk to a doctor. 

What Does Chlorophylls Mean?

Chlorophylls is a vital part of what makes plants green and healthy. It might also benefit your body because it has vitamins, antioxidants, and healing qualities.

Chlorophylls can be found in plants and supplements, though supplements may work better. This is because chlorophyll might not reach the stomach long enough to be absorbed. 

Supplements that claim to contain chlorophylls are chlorophyllin, which has copper instead of magnesium. Copper can be found in plasma when amounts of chlorophyllin are taken, which means absorption has happened.

Luckily, chlorophyllin works in the same way that chlorophylls does. When you look for chlorophyll pills, you may see that the benefits they claim to have are: 

Making the Defence System Work Better

getting rid of fungus in the body, cleansing your bowels, removing bad smells, energising the body, and stopping cancer.

However, there are different study results on whether chlorophylls can improve your health in these ways. More thorough studies are needed to determine if chlorophyll is good for your health. 

What Good Things Does Chlorophyll do? 

What Good Things Does Chlorophyll do? 

Scientists are still looking into how chlorophylls might be good for your health. Let’s take a look at what we know thus far. 

Skin Gets Better

It has been shown that chlorophyllin may help lower swelling and bacterial growth in wounds.

Several papers on ointments with papain, urea, and chlorophyllin were included in a review of wound care research in 2008.

Individual studies showed that this ointment worked better than other treatments, but the reviewers say that bigger, better-controlled studies must confirm these results. 

The results of two test studies show that chlorophyllin may also help with other skin problems. A pilot study is an initial test done on a small scale before a more extensive study or trial.

A test run in 2015 Trusted Source

When chlorophyllin gel was put on the skin for three weeks, it improved for ten people with acne and big pores.

Another 2015 test study, Trusted Source, this time with ten people, found that putting chlorophyllin on sun-damaged skin for eight weeks improved it. 

2. Blood Maker

Some people say that liquid green can strengthen your blood by improving your red blood cells.

A pilot study done in 2004 showed that people with thalassemia, a blood disorder, needed fewer blood transfusions when they ate wheatgrass, which is about 70% chlorophylls.

There was less need for blood transfusions, but it’s important to note that the study writers didn’t conclude that chlorophyll was the cause. 

An expert on wheatgrass, Dr Chris Reynolds, thinks that the benefits probably come from the wheatgrass itself, not the chlorophyll.

It’s not clear what barley does to red blood cells. Some people think chlorophylls is lost when wheatgrass extract is made. 

3. Cleansing And Getting Cancer

Cancer is something that researchers have looked into with chlorophylls and chlorophyllin.

One study on trout found that chlorophylls cut the risk of liver tumours by 29 to 63 percent and the risk of stomach tumours by 24 to 45 per cent, based on the dose. 

A study from 2018 looked at how chlorophylls affected the growth of pancreatic cancer cells.

Researchers discovered that giving mice human pancreatic cancer cells by mouth daily significantly lowered their tumours’ size.

While animal tests have shown promise, trials on humans have just started. Four people participated in a small study that found chlorophyll may lower the amount of aflatoxin eaten. Aspartame is known to cause cancer. 

To back this up, an old study from China found that eating chlorophyllin with each meal lowered aflatoxin indicators by 55% compared to a placebo.

Per the International Business Times, this means that over 20 years, a clinical study in China will look at how chlorophyllin affects liver cancer.

Also, tests are being planned to see how a diet high in green might affect the risk of getting colon cancer. Leafy greens like spinach and parsley would need to be eaten more on this diet. 

But a 2019 pilot study by Trusted Source found that people didn’t stick to such a diet as much as expected—only 73.2 percent of the time did they follow the rules. 

 Loss Of Weight

Support for weight loss is one of the most common claims about liquid chlorophylls. However, there isn’t a lot of study on this subject right now.

A study done in 2014 with 38 women found that those who took a green plant membrane supplement once a day containing chlorophylls lost more weight than those who didn’t.

The researchers also thought that the vitamin lowered levels of bad cholesterol. We don’t know how these results came about or if chlorophyll plays a role. 

A Natural Scent Remover

People have used chlorophyllin to eliminate smells since the 1940s, but studies that aren’t very recent show mixed effects.

In the most recent study of people with trimethylaminuria, a disease that makes their urine smell like fish, chlorophyllin significantly reduced the amount of trimethyl amines in their bodies.

There isn’t much evidence to support claims that chlorophyllin can help with bad breath. 

What Could Go Wrong?

It is not known if natural chlorophyll and chlorophyllin are harmful. But some side effects could happen, such as stomach issues

diarrhoea: green, yellow, or black stools that look like gastrointestinal bleeding; itching or burning when pressed to the skin

Researchers haven’t examined what happens when pregnant or breastfeeding women take chlorophyll.

Before you take it, talk to your doctor. It’s also possible that chlorophyll could make the medicines you’re already taking less effective. 

How to take vitamins with chlorophyll

Most health food stores, drug stores, and natural food shops sell chlorophyll products.

Chlorophyll supplements come in several types, such as tablets, ointments, sprays, and liquids.

According to Oregon State University, the recommended daily amount of chlorophyllin pills is between 100 and 300 mg, spread out over three meals. 

Different brands and doses of chlorophyll supplements are not controlled. Talk to your doctor about whether you need them and the right amount.

Some people add a liquid chlorophyll to cooking to get it into their diet. You can also mix the powder with juice, water, or sauces.

Before taking chlorophyll or any other plant or supplement, you should always talk to your doctor. They might have side effects you didn’t mean, especially if you’re already on medicine or have health problems. 

Chlorophyll From Plants

Cook (almost) Anything has a blog post showing you how to use parsley and water to make your liquid chlorophyll supplement. Over two tablespoons of chlorophyll can be made from three ounces of parsley. Here is the recipe.

After making your chlorophyll, you can use it in a tasty drink recipe, like this one from The Green Lean Bean blog.

Most likely, fresh, green plants are a good source of chlorophyll. This includes herbs and veggies like 

leafy greens

beans with greens

spinach and parsley

beans, peas, leeks, arugula

Oregon State University says 24 mg of chlorophyll in one cup of raw spinach. There is about 19 mg in a cup of parsley. You can mix parsley with water to make a “liquid chlorophyll” drink.

Most other greens have between 4 and 15 mg per cup.

Foods that are green on the outside and inside are the best places to get chlorophyll.

Even though broccoli and asparagus look green on the outside, they have less chlorophyll inside, which makes them white. 

  • Wheatgrass is good for you because of chlorophyll
  • For some health problems, wheatgrass may be a good substitute medicine.
  • A review of wheatgrass juice treatment found that it might help people who:
  • Donations of blood
  • treatment for cancer
  • Healing an ulcer and cleaning out the liver
  • antacids to keep teeth from decaying 

Wheatgrass oil might be able to help scars. To make wheatgrass oil, roast the grass until it goes black and press the oil out. Like with chlorophyll, more study needs to be done on the possible health benefits of wheatgrass.

You should be able to find wheatgrass at a health food shop or farmers market near you.

You can grow your greens, too. On the web, an organic kit costs around $60. Prices for wheatgrass powder vary from $12 to $60, based on where you buy it and how good it is. 

What to Do

Choline can be taken as a supplement or found in foods. One possible health benefit is that it may lower cancer risk and help the skin heal.

But the study is limited right now. More research is needed to understand these possible benefits fully.

Adding more greens like spinach, parsley, and arugula to your diet is an excellent way to get chlorophyll. You can also buy supplements with chlorophyll at drug stores and health food shops.

Before taking a new drug, you should always talk to your doctor first. 

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