What Is Cardarine? Weight Loss, Sports Performance, and More

by Miral khattak

Some of the supposed benefits of Cardarine are losing weight, helping with diabetes, and doing better in sports. Despite this, many athletes are not allowed to use it, and it may speed up the growth of cancer.

Some athletes and gym-goers are ready to try a wide range of drugs to push the limits of their performance and physique improvement. 

Some chemicals are very good at improving performance, but their safety is unclear.

Cardarines is one of these substances. It is a controversial drug that is said to help people lose weight and do better in sports. But there isn’t much information about how well it works or whether it’s safe.

This post will discuss Cardarin, including what it is, how to take it, any possible side effects, and where to get it right now. 

Just what is Cardarine? 

Just what is Cardarine? 

Cardarine, or GW501516, is an artificial chemical that changes metabolism.

Many people think it’s a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM), but Cardarine is a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) agonist, a different drug type.

Most of the cell receptors that these affect are found in muscle cells all over the body.

Compounds like Cardarine change how cells use energy, which is thought to make them use more energy.

This is one reason why some athletes and lifters like to take Cardarine. These people might take it to help their bodies burn more fat, become leaner, and do better in sports. 

The Past

Cardarine was first found in the early 1990s when two big drug companies worked together on projects for study. 

In the early 2000s, many studies were done to determine the substance’s effects.

Researchers almost always studied it in animals, but some studies did include people.

At first, it was thought that it could be used to treat hyperlipidemia, which means that there are too many fats in the blood. Later, studies examined how well it worked to treat obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. 

At first, some studies looked hopeful. However, later tests on animals showed that the drug quickly spread cancer to many organs. Because of this, the study had to stop. 

What’s Not Allowed 

Banned substances are drugs or other substances that athletes are not allowed to use because they might artificially improve their ability in games.

When the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) added Cardarine to its list of banned drugs in 2009, it was because it might change metabolism and improve performance. 

Cardarine tests for urine and hair were made around the same time.

WADA rules are used by sports organizations worldwide to test their players. After that, some athletes tested positive for the drug and had to deal with the consequences, such as being kicked out of contests.

Cardarine is still on the list of substances that the WADA does not allow. 


Cardarine is an artificial chemical thought to speed up the metabolism and help the body burn more fat. Some athletes and body builders have used it to improve their ability, but it’s illegal because it could have harmful effects. 

Benefits Claimed 

Benefits Claimed 

According to researchers, Cardarine may have several health and performance-boosting effects.

Remember that most of the tests on the drug were done on animals, so these results might not be accurate for people.

Loss of Weight 

Loss of Weight 

People who take Cardarine say that it helps them lose weight and fat.

In theory, it might make your body burn more fat. This may be because the drug targets a part of the cell that manages and changes energy metabolism.

Cardarine’s first studies looked at how it might be used to help obesity.

An older study on mice found that Cardarine improved the burning of fatty acids, which led to less fat storage. This meant that mice fed a high-calorie diet were less likely to become overweight (2 Trusted Source). 

Later, researchers said that Cardarine might trigger PPAR in a way that is similar to exercise. This means that taking it might have the same effect on the body as exercising (3 Trusted Source, 4 Trusted Source, 5 Trusted Source, 6 Trusted Source).

That would mean that people could use Cardarine to get some of the benefits of working out without having to work out yourself.

In theory, it sounds good, but there aren’t any high-quality, long-term tests on humans to back this up. 

Help for People With Diabetes. 

Help for People With Diabetes. 

Researchers also looked into Cardarine to avoid type 2 diabetes, a disease in which the body stops responding appropriately to insulin and can’t use carbs properly.

A more recent study on rodents examined how Cardarine affected gestational diabetes, a condition in which pregnant women have high blood sugar (7 Trusted Source). 

They discovered that giving Cardarine to rats with prenatal diabetes improved their blood sugar and insulin levels and caused less damage to the islet cells in their pancreas, which make insulin.

Lastly, one study found that Cardarine may help diabetic wounds heal faster. People with advanced diabetes often get diabetic wounds because their blood flow to some parts of their body is reduced (8 Trusted Source).

For the most part, this field of study is about animals, as you can see. So, even though the results looked promising, they can’t be used on people, and more study is needed. 

Could Lower Blood Fat 

Could Lower Blood Fat 

People first thought that Cardarine could help lower blood lipid levels, which include cholesterol and triglyceride levels, because they are fats.

An older study clearly shows a connection between the PPAR pathway and burning fat (9, 10, 11, 12).

However, few studies show how drugs like Cardarine might change fats in the blood. 

Twelve healthy people were used in a study in 2007; they were given either a sugar pill, 2.5 mg of Cardarine, or 10 mg of Cardarine every day for two weeks (13 Trusted Source).

When people were given Cardarine, their HDL (good) cholesterol levels and blood fat levels were decreased.

Even though the results look good, this study has not been done on a bigger, longer-term scale so that no suggestions can be made. 

Performance in Sports 

A common way that people have mentioned using Cardarine is to help people do better in sports.

The fact that Cardarine might help burn fat means that some athletes think about using it to get leaner and improve their energy intake and cardiovascular performance.

Some users say it makes them stronger, lasts longer, works out harder, and loses fat faster in just a few days.

However, these claims are not backed up by solid research because few animal studies are available. 

Researchers looked at what happened to mice’s endurance running skills when they were given Cardarine in a study from 2015 (14 Trusted Source).

They found that mice given Cardarine did better at running for long periods.

In any research, Cardarine has not been shown to improve endurance, workout performance, or fat loss in humans. 

Even though there isn’t a lot of research on the subject, athletes are sometimes ready to try strange things to get even a tiny edge in their performance.

But for Cardarine, the side effects, which could be very bad, seem to trump any benefits. This means that it shouldn’t be used. 


Some of Cardarine’s claimed benefits are weight loss, help for diabetes and obesity, better blood lipids, and better sports ability. Since there isn’t much research on Cardarine in people, it’s not a good idea to use it. 

Effects on Sides 

One big worry about Cardarine is that it might have harmful effects when used.

Cardarine was first discovered by scientists who found that giving mice and rats 1.4 mg per pound (3 mg per kilogram) of body weight per day could quickly cause cancer to grow (15). 

At this point, big pharmaceutical companies paying for the research stopped doing more work on the drug.

This dose is pretty high compared to what has been tested on people, which is something you should keep in mind.

Due to the small amount of study that has been done on humans, it is still not clear how bad this and other side effects are. This makes using Cardarine very dangerous. 


Researchers who first looked at Cardarine in rodents found that higher doses may quickly lead to cancer. Because there haven’t been many studies on people, it’s unclear how harmful these side effects are. 

How Much to Get 

Because there isn’t a lot of reliable data on Cardarine in humans and the side effects aren’t always apparent, it’s hard to figure out the correct dose.

In the few tests on humans, people were given 2.5–10 mg of Cardarine without any significant side effects. However, these studies have not been repeated, so more research is needed to ensure these results are correct (13 Trusted Source, 16).

Cardarine shouldn’t be used because there hasn’t been a lot of study on it, and the sources used aren’t reliable. 


The few tests that have been done on humans with Cardarine have used doses between 2.5 mg and 10 mg, but it is hard to say what the correct dose is. Cardarine shouldn’t be used because there isn’t enough study, which might not be easy to get. 

How to Get it 

Large drug companies have stopped making Cardarine because there isn’t enough study on it, and it is illegal in many sports.

However, it is only available in a few black market labs, making it difficult to get.

There are a few sketchy supplement companies online that sell what they say is Cardarine, but most of them don’t have a track record or third-party research to back up their claims. This means these goods are probably not authentic and will likely be contaminated.

Because of this, you should stay away from these online stores and Cardarine in general.

And, based on where you live, having Cardarine may even be against the law. 


Due to insufficient support from the pharmaceutical industry, cardarine can only be bought from some sketchy black market labs. It’s best to stay away from this drug because it could be contaminated, and its side effects aren’t known. 

In the end

Cardarine, or GW501516, is an artificial chemical first studied to see if it could help treat some health problems. Later, it got more attention because it might help improve performance.

Cardarine is not a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM), as many people think. Instead, it is a PPAR agonist, which can change how the body uses energy.

The main benefits said to exist are losing weight, helping with diabetes and obesity, improving blood lipids, and making sports performance better. Still, there isn’t much study on humans in these areas. 

The most exciting side effect found during the first studies was that the drug could make rats and mice get cancer very quickly. It’s still not clear if this is true for people.

Cardarine hasn’t been tested on humans in long-term studies, and its legal standing, side effects, and source are all unknown. Because of these factors, it is not advisable to use it. 

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