10 Natural Ingredients That Repel Mosquitoes

by Miral khattak

Making mosquitoes repellents at home might help keep bugs away. If you have sensitive skin, some natural chemicals may make it worse. 

What You Should Look For In Natural Bug Sprays 

Natural Bug Sprays 

A person will likely get bitten by a mosquito because of the smell, light, heat, and humidity. If mosquitoes love you, you may be sick of having skin that is itchy and bumpy.

Some mosquitoes, such as those that transmit malaria, are more likely to sweat and feed on bacteria than others. A few individuals are attracted to odours on the skin, and others to carbon dioxide. 

You don’t have to use chemical protection with DEET to protect yourself from any species you come across. DEET-based products could be harmful to your health and the world.

If you’re not going to a place where mosquitoes spread diseases like Zika, stay away from goods with DEET. People likely to get bitten by mosquitoes that carry diseases should use DEET.

Natural bug sprays might be better for hiking, hanging out in your backyard, or camping. This is often more true for more sensitive kids.

By reading on, find out which natural bug sprays work best to keep mosquitoes away.

Eucalyptus Oil From Lemon 

A popular all-natural insect repellent, lemon eucalyptus oil has been around since the 1940s. Medical experts at the CDC say that eucalyptus oil is an effective repellent against mosquitoes.

Cite this study: Trusted Source discovered in 2014 that mosquitoes can be effectively kept at bay for three hours with a mixture of 32% lemon eucalyptus oil, with a success rate of more than 95%.  


One part lemon eucalyptus oil to ten parts sunflower oil or witch hazel can be used to make your blend. Researchers from the University of Florida 


When you crush lavender flowers, you get an oil and scent that can keep bugs away.

A study on animals from 2002 Reliable Source

 Lavender oil was shown to keep adult mosquitoes away from hairless mice.

Lavender can relieve pain, kill fungi, and clean wounds. In other words, it can keep mosquitoes away, relax, and soothe the skin.


Lavender can be grown in a yard or planted inside. Crush the flowers and put the oil on your arms, legs, or anywhere else that could get bitten. After cleansing your skin, apply a little lavender oil with a clean cloth. 

Cinnamon oil  

You can put cinnamon on more than just applesauce or pancakes. A study from Taiwan says that cinnamon oil can kill mosquito eggs. As a bonus, it can keep adult mosquitoes away, especially the Asian tiger mosquito. 


To get a weaker 1% solution, pour 24 drops of oil into 4 ounces of water. You can spray the liquid on your face, clothes, plants, or furniture in and around your home. When you put cinnamon oil on your skin, be careful because a strong dose can make it red and itchy. 

Ovid warns that the mixture should not be used on three-year-old kids. 

Oil of thyme 

Thyme oil is one of the best things to keep malarial bugs away. A 2002 study on animals found that putting 5% thyme oil on the skin of shaved mice protected them 91% of the time.

Alternatively, light thyme leaves on fire. According to studies cited in the Trusted Sources, the majority of the time (85%), you can avoid harm by burning thyme leaves for 60 to 90 minutes.  


Add four drops of thyme oil to each teaspoon of base oil, like olive or jojoba oil, to make your tea. A spray can be made by mixing 2 ounces of water with five drops of thyme oil.  

Greek oil for catmint 

One member of the mint family, Nepeta parnassica, is associated with catnip and can ward off moths. Although the 18-inch-long white and pink blossom is the most critical component, the oil and extract from the crushed leaves are also vital. 

One study, Trusted Source, found that the plant’s oil could keep bugs away for two to three hours. Also, Iowa State University researchers found that catnip keeps bugs away ten times better than DEET.

Soybean oil

The University of Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory says that goods made from soybeans, like Bite Block Kids (2 percent soybean oil), might keep mosquitoes away for a long time. 


Two options are available: soybean oil and a small amount of lemongrass oil. Various pests have been kept at bay by combining these substances. 

Citrus scent

An essential oil that works well against mosquitoes is citronella, a popular plant. It’s made from a mix of herbs and many bug sprays. When you’re outside, citronella candles can give you up to fifty per cent more safety.

Research from 2011 Trusted Source shows how citronella is made affects how well it works. If made right, it works like DEET and can keep you safe for up to two hours. Citronella can disappear quickly if the recipe isn’t right, leaving you vulnerable.

Using tea tree oil to wash  

One of Australia’s most famous essential oils is melaleuca, tea tree oil. It is well-known that this oil has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and cleansing properties. On the other hand, tea tree oil has the potential to be a fantastic insect repellent, according to some research. 

Tea tree oil-based bug sprays work against mosquitoes, bush flies, and biting midges, according to tests done in the field. 


Geraniol is an alcohol that is used to add taste or scent. It comes from oils of plants like rose, citronella, and lemongrass. As an ingredient in bug spray, it’s known to work for two to four hours, based on the type of bug.

Don’t get this oil in your eyes; if your skin is sensitive, don’t use it. Geraniol can irritate the eyes and face.

Neem oil

Neem oil is sold as a natural option, but different opinions exist on how well it works. A study in Ethiopia 2015 on the usefulness of neem oil found that it protected against more than 70% of the problems for three hours.

Neem oil cannot be used as a deterrent because it can irritate the skin. Even so, it’s still best to use DEET when visiting a place where mosquitoes can spread diseases.


Neem oil can keep bugs away if you mix 50 to 100 millilitres with water, oil, or lotion. Also, make sure you get cold-pressed, extra fresh neem oil. 

Possible Dangers Of Mosquito Repellents Made From Essential Oils 

Mosquito Repellents Made From Essential

You should never put essential oils on your skin. Like olive oil, a carrier oil is always used to thin them out. One ounce of neutral oil is typically combined with three or five drops of essential oil. 

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has no rules about essential oils. When you buy something, get it from a trustworthy source.

Doctors say that if you are travelling where mosquitoes are known to spread diseases like malaria, yellow fever, or the Zika virus, you should use chemical mosquito protection to lower your chances of getting sick.

Other than that, you could be allergic to the main ingredients in essential oils. Check a small area of your skin for hives or burns before you use any new product. Wait an hour or two after applying the product to see if the symptoms disappear.

Deet Dangers 

N, N-diethyl-meta-toluamide is the name of the chemical that DEET stands for. For example, you can find it in liquids, lotions, and sprays sold in stores as an insect protection.

By obstructing the bugs’ ability to smell human fragrance, bug sprays containing DEET keep bite pests like ticks and mosquitoes at bay. 

People have been able to buy DEET since 1957, but the US Army used it as early as 1946. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has listed more than 120 products that contain this ingredient right now.

Using DEET correctly, the EPA says it won’t hurt your health. There are, however, some problems you might run into when you use it, such as: 

Putting on the eyes could cause discomfort, pain, or watery eyes.

Prolonged skin contact might cause rashes, irritation, or swelling. Consuming may cause nausea, vomiting, or more gastrointestinal issues. There have been isolated instances of seizures. 

To safely use DEET, don’t put it on skin that isn’t exposed or is already sore, don’t put it on your hands or other places where it could be eaten, don’t use too much, and wash your skin or clothes when you get inside.

Little kids shouldn’t use DEET items on their own or have them put on their eyes, mouth, or around their eyes.

How To Treat Insect Bites

  • Even if you use bug spray, you might still get itchy, painful mosquito bites.
  • Putting apple cider vinegar on mosquito bites is an easy way to treat them at home. Placing a piece of raw onion or garlic that has just been cut on the bite can also help keep it from getting infected. Over-the-counter pain relievers or allergy medicines
  • It can also help to use creams like calamine lotion or hydrocortisone cream.
  • If many mosquito bites cause you to get an illness or allergic reaction, write down your symptoms and call your doctor. A high temperature, pus or blood where the bite is, and scabs that won’t go away are signs of something wrong. 

Questions And Answers About Bug Sprays

So, how do you use different bug sprays to keep yourself from getting bitten? There are right and wrong ways to put products on your face and clothes that will help you get the best results. 

How Often Should You Put On Another Coat Of Repellent? 

It relies on. If you’re going to use a bug spray or lotion, the EPA says you should pay close attention to the label and follow the directions for application. Consider also activities that involve being submerged in water, such as swimming.

Lift weights (if your sweat is rising)

what the weather is like

Stick to the advice on the package for how to apply and reapply to get the best protection.

What kind of clothes keep you safe from bites? 

Bugs can get through clothes that are too tight, like yoga pants or tights. The CDC Trusted Source says the best way to protect yourself is to wear open clothes and cover your arms and legs.

You can also purchase garments that have been treated or apply permethrin to your clothing.

Unlike DEET, permethrin should not be applied directly on the skin. Stick to the label’s instructions and treat only wearable items, such as clothing, footwear, socks, caps, and other headwear.  

What can make it less likely that mosquitoes will bite? 

You can lessen your chances of being bitten by mosquitoes by doing the following, in addition to wearing appropriate clothing and applying bug spray as needed: 

Instead of being outside, hang out in a screened room. Fix screens that are torn or have holes in them to stop leaks.

To maintain your composure, switching on the air conditioner rather than opening the windows would be helpful. 

Please get rid of any water sitting around your house or in it. So, empty, scrub, or throw away things like buckets, baby pools, pots, trash cans, and bird baths with water.

Stay inside between dusk and dawn, when mosquitoes are most active.


Many studies use natural ingredients to keep mosquitoes away, which is a good idea. This is good news for people who want to stay away from dangerous chemicals, especially kids and women who are pregnant.

Something fun you can do to stay safe from mosquito bites is to mix and match different items to make your natural mosquito repellent.

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