11 Home Remedies for Vaginal Yeast Infections

by Miral khattak
Yeast Infections

Is it true that boric acid, garlic, and vinegar can help eliminate yeast infections? Find out how doing things at home might help your problems. 

Different Ways To Treat Yeast Diseases At Home 

Sour Cream

Expert Source:To combat Candida albicans, probiotics can be useful. Live bacteria, such as Lactobacillus acidophilus, are what make yoghurt a probiotic. In addition to maintaining vaginal health, these bacteria can aid in eliminating an overgrowth that arises from an imbalance.

A study conducted in 2015 found that  

  • Researchers found that vaginal yeast infections got better when yoghurt and honey were mixed.
  • According to a study from 2017, eating yoghurt can help lower the amount of yeast in your body by making your gut microbiome bigger. Some probiotic foods are yoghurt, but you can try different probiotic foods if you don’t like yoghurt.
  • Choose plain Greek yoghurt if you want to use yoghurt to treat a yeast problem.
  • Warning: The yoghurt must not add any extra sugar, taste, or fruit. Adding sugar can help the Candida fungus grow.
  • To get the benefits, eat the yoghurt, put it on your vulva around your vagina, or insert it vaginally with your fingers or a clean tampon applicator. 

Acidic Boric Acid

Some people say that boric acid can help eliminate yeast problems that other medicines haven’t been able to treat.

Boric acid vaginal suppositories can be used with other medicines to treat vaginal diseases.

However, large quantities of boric acid are harmful. Toxic effects on the kidneys, heart, and lungs might result from excessive consumption. 

Boric acid should never be put on broken skin or taken by mouth.

You should not use any kind of boric acid if you are pregnant. If you have sensitive skin, you might also want to try another treatment.

Stop using it if it makes you feel bad. 

  1. Olive Oil From Oregano

You can find common oregano and Origanum marjoram in the spice area of most grocery stores. But the oil of oregano is not the same.

You could look for oregano oil from wild oregano (Origanum vulgare) to help with a yeast problem.

A study from 2017 Trusted Source says that oregano essential oil might be able to stop Candida Albicans from growing. 

Mix th:

  1. For each ounce of carrier oil—such as sweet almond or olive—add five drops of essential oil. Next, I will 
  1. Massage your skin or use a nebulizer to breathe it in. Do not 

Use This Essential Oil Near Your Genital Area.


 Do not eat or drink essential oils. For aromatherapy, essential oils should be breathed in. For massage, they should be mixed with massage oil and used. They are also not meant to be used inside—only exterior use! 

Oregano oil

Essential Oil of Oregano

An antibiotic that works well to restore vaginal pH levels could be used inside the vagina.

Helpful In Changing How Candida Albicans Grows

Put essential oils on your skin with a carrier oil (in the back of your neck, behind your ears, or inside your arms).

An antibiotic that works well to restore vaginal pH levels could be used inside the vagina.

Helpful In Changing How Candida Albicans Grows

Put essential oils on your skin with a carrier oil (in the back of your neck, behind your ears, or inside your arms).

Supplements And Treatments With Probiotics

When you take probiotics, your body’s natural balance of bacteria and yeast can be restored.

If you want to improve your health in a number of ways, including restoring a healthy balance to your gut and vaginal microbiome, consider taking an oral probiotic containing strains of the Lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria.

Since the full effects of probiotics taken orally can take several days to weeks to kick in, some people find that vaginal suppositories work much more quickly.

The use of probiotic suppositories in the treatment of bacterial vaginosis (BV) has also been shown to be effective. 

Oil From Coconuts

The oil extracted from coconuts is known as coconut butter. The oil is good for your health in many ways, and it can kill fungi.

Researchers have found that coconut oil can kill C. Albicans. This is one of the few home remedies that have strong evidence to back them up.

Be careful to purchase organic, pure coconut oil if you intend to use it to cure vaginal yeast. Quickly apply the oil to the injured region.  

Putting Tea Tree Oil On

Some of the many uses for tea tree oil include eliminating fungi, germs, and viruses.

Tea tree oil’s antifungal properties have been backed by research from a reputable source. 

A study from 2016 shows that vaginal suppositories with tea tree oil and probiotics may work together to treat vaginal infections.

Newer lab results support the idea that tea tree oil can kill germs. 

Tea tree oil is a powerful essential oil. When you put tea tree oil on your skin, you should always mix it with a carrier oil like jojoba or coconut oil. You should never put tea tree oil on your skin that isn’t diluted. Also, remember that you should never put essential oils in your mouth!

The best choice is to buy tea tree vaginal suppositories that have already been made.

Use tea tree oil sparingly, and never put it in your mouth. People whose skin is easily irritated should probably avoid using tea tree oil. Do not continue taking it if you experience any discomfort.  

Vinegar From Apple Cider

An apple cider vinegar bath is a common way to treat yeast infections.

There are many medical uses for vinegar, some of which are better backed up by studies than others.

But suppose you soak in a lukewarm bathtub with a half cup of apple cider vinegar for 20 minutes. In that case, the vinegar’s acidic part may help eliminate yeast or other dangerous microorganisms. 

It’s not the same as douching, which is supposed to get rid of all bacteria in your vagina but gets rid of both good and bad bacteria. The yeast problem is more likely to come back if you touch it, so don’t do much with apple cider vinegar or anything else.

Before putting vinegar on your skin, you should mix it with water. Adding apple cider vinegar to your diet is another thing you could try. 

Proof of Garlic

Garlic may also aid in the elimination of Candida, according to a reputable source; nevertheless, there may be more effective methods. 

While more research is needed, a study from 2019 looked at what happened when a garlic solution was put on mouth sores and found that it successfully stopped the growth of Candida. However, garlic did not work as well as nystatin (Nystop), a medicine used to treat fungal infections. 

Adding More Garlic To Your Diet Is The Best Way To See If It Helps With A Yeast Problem.

Warning: Some websites say that you should put garlic in your vagina, but we don’t think this is a good idea. For that reason, the active chemicals

Source: Garlic can burn and hurt your skin or lips if you put it on them. The mucosa that borders your mouth and, indeed, the walls of your vagina are a form of moist tissue.  

  1. Peroxide Of Hydrogen

It can kill germs and yeast because it is an antiseptic. Because they are living things, the Lactobacillus bacteria in your vagina make hydrogen peroxide.

When someone has a yeast problem, some swear that putting hydrogen peroxide on it works like magic. 

To combat yeast growth on the genitourinary system, try combining it with water before applying it to the skin or adding it to a bath. If you want to dilute it, just mix water and hydrogen peroxide in equal proportions. 

Also, keep in mind that hydrogen peroxide might not kill all types of yeast, and there isn’t a lot of evidence that it can help with vaginal diseases.

Warning: Do not touch your face with hydrogen peroxide, do not swallow hydrogen peroxide, and do not use it for a long time. 

Vitamin C 

Vitamin C helps your face stay healthy and also boosts your immune system. Your body can return to normal with a robust immune system.

Ascorbic acid, another name for vitamin C, is an antimicrobial that some people eat to treat Candida buildup.

You might be able to help your body fight off the yeast infection by getting more vitamin C.

Caution: Do not put the acidic vitamin C on the vaginal flesh because it is too sensitive. 

 Vitamin E

For some kinds of vaginal inflammation, some doctors say to take vitamin E. Lab studies by Trusted Source show that vitamin E may help lower the swelling that Candida albicans causes.

Signs of

Vitamin E suppositories may be helpful for atrophic vaginitis, or vaginal atrophy, according to a reputable source. This condition occurs when the vaginal canal’s walls shrink due to an inadequate oestrogen supply. The acidic vaginal environment is altered by atrophy vaginitis, increasing the likelihood of bacterial and yeast infections.

You can also use vitamin E oil to your vulva or vagina, or purchase vitamin E capsules specifically for vaginal usage. You might find relief from burning, itching, and swelling with vitamin E.

If you’ve tried vitamin E and nothing has worked, it’s best to consult a medical professional for further guidance.  

How Do You Get A Vaginal Yeast Infection? 

Vaginal yeast infections, or candidiasis, can occur when the vaginal fungus Candida albicans multiplies beyond what is normally seen. 

This too much growth can lead to:

irritation, swelling, itchiness, and painful discharge

A yeast problem happens to most people with a vulva and vagina at some point in their lives.

  • If you’ve never experienced the symptoms of a yeast infection before, it’s best to consult a doctor to rule out any other vaginal health issues and confirm that you actually have one.
  • Telltale symptoms of a yeast infection
  • A vaginal yeast infection may manifest with symptoms such as:
  • Uterine fluid, which shares characteristics with cottage cheese, can be either watery or clumpy, and can have a white or yellow color.
  • Symptoms include as vaginal burning or itching during or after intercourse, as well as pain, tenderness, or edema surrounding the vaginal rash,  

How To Tell If You Have A Yeast Infection

Schedule an appointment with a doctor or nurse to get a diagnosis if this is your first yeast infection.

In addition to taking your medical history, a doctor or nurse will conduct a pelvic exam, which involves feeling around for symptoms of infection on the vaginal walls, outside of the cervix, and in the surrounding area.  

If they find a yeast problem, they will also suggest ways to treat it.

If you have had a yeast infection before and think you might have another one, you can do a few things at home to feel better. Some of these cures can be made with things you probably already have at home.

Remember that these cures don’t always work, and most of the evidence for their success is still anecdotal. 

Why Does Yeast Get Into The Pelvic Area?

When yeast grows too much on one part of the body, it can lead to an illness.

There are many reasons why you might get a yeast infection, such as: 

  • Hormones: The amount of yeast in your vagina can change when you are pregnant, nursing, having your period, or going through menopause.
  • Even though vaginosis cannot be transmitted sexually, yeast can be transmitted from one person to another through intercourse. Having intercourse can also alter the vaginal bacterial composition.
  • Yeast can thrive in the vaginal mucous layers where there is an excess of sugar if you have diabetes.
  • The “good” bacteria and germs that inhabit your vagina can be killed out by antibiotics.
  • You can control the amount of yeast in your vagina by using douches or genital sprays. 
  • Immune system weakness: You may be more likely to get vaginal yeast infections if you have HIV, a disease that weakens your immune system, or another autoimmune problem. 

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When medical attention is required 

There is a chance that it will take a few days for a home treatment for your yeast infection to work.

Always consult your doctor if your symptoms get worse or if you experience any new ones while you are on your medication. If you’re experiencing persistent pain that isn’t associated with a yeast infection, it’s best to schedule an appointment. 

If you use a home cure to get rid of an infection and then it comes back, you should see a doctor. To eliminate the problem, you might need medicine that you can only get with a prescription. 

Keep in mind that certain yeast infections might be rather dangerous. If you are having a child, have had four or more yeast infections in the past year, or are on any medication that lowers your immune system, it is recommended that you consult a doctor.

Your condition is worsening.

If you experience vaginal redness, swelling, or itching severe enough to cause blisters or tears, it is likely that you have HIV.

Topical antifungal medication, such as miconazole (Monistat), oral tablets or suspensions for candidiasis, or prescription suppositories or tablets for vaginal use, like terconazole (Terazol), may be prescribed by a doctor for more severe yeast infections.  

More Advice On How To Deal With Vaginal Yeast Infections 

  • Follow these tips to avoid getting yeast infections again:
  • Cut down on how much sugar and processed foods you eat. Sugar is good for yeast.
  • You can add yoghurt or vitamins with Lactobacillus to your food.
  • Loose-fitting cotton underwear should be worn. When you wash your clothes, use hot water and mild, odourless soap.
  • Do not wear wet underwear or bathing suits for extended amounts of time. Yeast grows in places that are warm and damp.
  • Antibiotics should only be used when needed.
  • Do not use douches unless your doctor tells you to. Also, stay away from scented vaginal lotions and deodorant sprays.You may notice a shift in the vaginal flora if you use these products.  

What to Do

If you have a yeast problem, home remedies might or might not help. There is no way for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to check herbs, vitamins, or essential oils when they are used for:

Quality safety purity safety

For that reason, you should only ever receive them from reliable sources.

Your health, the severity of your disease, and the efficacy of the treatment all play a role in whether or not a home cure is effective.

Consult your physician about further natural methods of preventing and treating vaginal infections if you find that they persist. Also, consult a medical professional if you have never had a yeast infection before.

Remember that sensitive vaginal skin might be damaged by any product, even natural ones. Do not continue using the treatment if you experience any discomfort; instead, consult a medical professional.

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