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Some people are born with Venus dimples, also called “back dimples.” A single sacral dimple can be caused by health problems affecting the spinal cord.
There are depressions in your lower back that are called back dimples. The depressions are right above your buttocks, where your pelvis and back meet.
The superior iliac spine is a small ligament that connects your skin to the outside of your iliac bone.
These back dimples are also known as Venus dimples. This is a nickname, but most people in the medical field agree with it.
The name comes from Venus, the Roman goddess of beauty because back dimples often indicate how pretty a woman is.
Women are more likely than men to have dimples on their backs.
There are no muscles in that area to tone, so exercise won’t help them show up. On the other hand, if you lose weight, your back dimples may stand out more.
Venus Kiss Marks are the Reason.
Some people think that genes cause dimples, but no solid proof exists. Scientists don’t know what genes may be linked to dimples because this subject has yet to be studied.
On the other hand, there is little proof that dimples are a dominant genetic trait.
Dimples in the Back vs. Sacral dimple
Back and sacral dimples are similar but very different in other important ways.
If someone has a back dimple, one is on each side of their lower back. If someone has a sacral dimple, there is usually only one. It’s above the buttock fold.
Most people are born with both types of dimples.
Both kinds of dimples are generally not dangerous either. But while back dimples are only for looks, a sacral dimple can be a sign of some medical problems, such as
- Spina bifida occulta is a type of spina bifida that is not very bad. Spina bifida occulta means that the spine doesn’t close all the way, but the spinal cord stays in the spinal canal. It doesn’t usually show any signs.
- When tissue holds the spinal cord to the spinal canal, this is called tethered cord syndrome. This keeps the spinal cord from falling and limits its movement. Tethered cord syndrome can make your legs weak and numb, and it can also make your bladder or bowels leak.
If one of these things is present near a sacral dimple at birth, you are more likely to have one of these back problems:
bunch of hair on the face, skin tags, discoloration, and bruises
Most of the time, people with spina bifida occulta or tethered cord syndrome don’t need treatment. But if a baby is born with a sacral dimple and other risk factors, the doctor will probably do an MRI or scan to check for problems with the spinal cord.
The Truth and Lies About Back Dimples
A lot of lies about back dimples are about how they can help your sex life.
For instance, some people say that women with back dimples can finish more quickly because it means their pelvic area has good blood flow.
Some people, mostly women, say that having a partner push on dimples is enough to make them orgasm.
However, there is no study to support these claims. The muscles that connect bone to skin are what make back dimples. They have nothing to do with the flow of blood in the area.
One claim that has some proof to back it up is that men like women with dimples of Venus.
This might be an evolved trait connected to benefits during pregnancy, like keeping the pelvis stable and being able to carry weight.
What to Do
Back dimples and depressions on your lower back are common ways to look good.
Short fibres connect your pelvis to your skin and cause them. They don’t hurt you. They are safe; some even think they make women look more beautiful.