What is the Difference Between Natural Skincare and Organic Skincare By Glum

by Miral khattak

One of the first things I did when I chose to get rid of chemicals from my life was to take care of my skin. Since everyone knows the skin is the biggest organ in the body, this is an excellent place to start. I had no idea that this simple task would lead me to start my own natural skincare line.

My first problem arose when I was in a beauty shop and felt completely overwhelmed in the skincare aisle. There were rows of body creams in front of me; many said they were natural or organic skincare. I was sure they didn’t all sell the same thing because the prices of the goods were so different.

This also happened to you? Organic skincare and natural skincare are different, do you know? Are you confused like I was about why names that sound like chemicals are considered natural ingredients? Now, read on, and I’ll help you see things in a different light.

What Is The Difference Between Natural and Organic Skincare?

These days, there are so many beautiful words that they could have their section in the Urban Dictionary. We often see the words “natural” and “organic” in our feeds. Here are some ways that natural and organic skincare items are different.

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What does natural skincare mean?

Different people have different ideas about what “natural skincare” means. For some, a healthy lifestyle means cutting back on bad food and working out more. For others, it might mean becoming vegan and spending their vacations in a meditation center. Similarly, your idea of natural skincare may be different from mine. The fact that most of us think of skincare as food for our face also makes this area different.

Before you can figure out your idea of natural skincare, you need to decide what’s important to you. Feel free to ask yourself these things:

Features: These items stay away from artificial chemicals, instead focused on using the power of naturally occurring substances.

Pros: Many people choose natural skincare products because they are better for their skin and the earth and don’t have synthetic ingredients.

Cons: There is no set meaning for the word “natural” because it is not regulated. Products that say they are natural may still have some artificial ingredients, and natural ingredients sometimes work better than they say they do.

Do I want additives that keep things fresh in the things I use?

Since lotions, toners, masks, and other skincare products often contain water, preservatives are essential to most of them. Without preservatives, these items must be thrown away within 24 to 48 hours to stop the growth of microbes that could lead to severe sickness.

It’s easier to use food preserved with preservatives because they make it last longer (6–36 months), but even natural preservatives are made in labs from natural materials from nature. Thank goodness there are a lot of natural preservatives that are safe for you and the world. Avoid harsh preservatives like formaldehyde, triclosan, and parabens if you want to use naturally kept items.

Do I want to use natural ingredients in their most natural, raw form, or are processed natural ingredients OK?

Many chemicals in skincare products come from plants, so going natural is pretty straightforward. But what do you mean when you say “natural ingredients”? Would you only accept ingredients that have been physically changed, like plant oils, butter, and husks, or would you also accept ingredients that have been naturally treated, like enzymes, hydrogenated oils, and actives?

Watch out, though, for how the business cuts costs by chemically changing natural ingredients to make more money (profitability). Chemically changed materials, like ester oils, are often used because they are cheap and can help a product last longer. If you want to use only natural goods, you should be ready for them to have a shorter shelf life and vary from batch to batch. Mother Nature doesn’t usually make all the same goods, after all!

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What is the difference between natural and organic products, and why does it matter to me?

Organic ingredients are grown according to strict rules for organic farming, which don’t allow chemical pesticides, genetic engineering, or growth hormones. Because they are grown like nature, these ingredients are the best for natural skincare.

organic products

In most developed countries, if you want to use the term “organic,” your goods must be approved by a separate labeling body. This isn’t the case in Singapore, though, so claims that organic food and products don’t have to be approved by the government.

What can go wrong with healthy skincare?

Organic foods tend to cost more than non-organic foods. Some brands take advantage of the fact that people need to be more innovative and use it against them. More goods that have at least one certified organic ingredient should be sold. The other 99% are fillers and harsh chemicals. On the other hand, their one organic item will get a lot of attention, making you think that what you’re buying is healthy.

Not all brands indeed act this way. Some brands make their goods with natural and organic ingredients, but they need more money to get certified organic. Small, handmade brands often need help through the approval process because it takes a long time and costs a lot of money.

Ask the company that makes the product you want to buy about the ingredients they use and the theory behind their products to get a sense of what they want to do. They will be happy to go more in-depth about this because most are really into their products.

Features: Organic skincare products focus on using natural ingredients that are grown in ways that are good for the earth and don’t contain any harmful chemicals or artificial additives.

Natural and Organic skincare products may appeal to people worried about how conventional farming methods and synthetic chemicals in skincare products might affect their health and the world.

“organic” can be misused or misread, just like “natural” skincare. To ensure a product meets a certain level of organic quality, look for one with an official organic certification, like USDA Organic or ECOCERT.

An organic tomato is not the same thing as an organic face mask.

Organic skincare products are not always 100% organic, even if they are labeled as organic skincare products. A tomato grown on organic land with only organic fertilizers is called an organic tomato. However, an organic moisturizer will have preservatives, stabilizers, thickeners, and other ingredients that can come from nature. However, because these ingredients were made in a lab, they don’t fit the usual meaning of the word “organic.”

Certification groups solve this problem by saying what portion of organic ingredients a skincare product must have to be certified organic. It’s not surprising that there are differences between the groups that give out official certifications since this field is subjective. You can visit sites like Ecocert and Nature to learn how organic beauty and skincare items are certified.

Products that are Used natural and organic skincare

Labels for skincare products can be vague, so as a buyer, you need to be careful about the names and products you pick out so you don’t get ripped off.

organic skincare

That means checking the labels of the things you buy to make sure they don’t have any ingredients you’d rather not have and that they have enough of the natural goodness you’re paying for.

It doesn’t mean much to say “natural” or “organic.” Look for trustworthy brands that put the number of organic and natural ingredients on the box. If you want to be sure that the skincare items you buy are organic, look for the organic certification logo.

Pure natural and organic skincare items will only last for a short time since they don’t have any chemicals. If the product has a use-by date, check it. Also, it may have gone wrong if it doesn’t look, feel, or smell right, so it’s best to use it sparingly.

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Natural goods are sometimes more irritating or better for you. Many natural ingredients are potent and only work for some. For some people, essential oils can make their skin red and irritated.

So, try any new product on a small area of skin first, even if it’s natural, organic, clean, green, or vegan.


Finally, the difference between natural and organic skincare is where the products come from and what they are made of. Natural skincare focuses on using ingredients that come from plants. In contrast, organic skincare goes one step further by ensuring that these ingredients are grown without synthetic chemicals or genetically modified organisms. Both groups might have perks like being gentler on the skin and considering the environment. But it’s essential for customers to be savvy because “natural” and “organic” aren’t always regulated the same way, meaning product quality can vary. Finding skincare products with suitable certifications, reading ingredient lists, and thinking about your skin needs are all essential when making skincare choices. Ultimately, a product’s effectiveness and suitability rely on the person using it, their skin type, and morals. This means that consumers should choose based on their values and needs.

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