How to Shrink Pores for Skincare By Glum

by Miral khattak
How to Shrink Pores for Skincare By Glum

Skincare goals often include getting shrink pores. However, it’s important to know that you can’t change your pores’ size forever. The good news is that you can take steps to reduce their appearance and make your skin healthier generally. Consider these ideas:

A common skin problem is the appearance of enlarged pores. The appearance of enlarged pores can be unattractive and lead people to feel less confident, even though they do not necessarily affect the health of the skin.

 “While it is not always possible to shrink enlarged pores, there are plenty of ways to prevent pores from becoming enlarged and make the size of pores less noticeable,” says Dr Christina L. Harview, who practises dermatology in the U.S. Dermatology Partners in Phoenix, Arizona. Dr Harview will discuss the many treatment methods that are indicated for enlarged pores as well as the common reasons for enlarged pores in this blog post.

Why Do Pores Grow Larger Than Normal?

Pores Grow Larger Than Normal

According to Dr. Harview, the size of pores, which are the openings that allow sweat and sebum oil to be expelled, is dictated by genetics in the majority of cases. This is the case when it comes to the underlying reasons for enlarged pores. 

There is a high probability that you will have larger pores if certain members of your immediate family have larger pores. Despite the fact that this is the most common component in determining the size of pores, there are other underlying causes of pore enlargement that individuals ought to be aware of.

 The following are some of the other factors that might lead to pores becoming enlarged:

The pores on men’s skin are typically bigger and more noticeable than those on women’s skin.

The pores on men's skin are typically bigger and more noticeable than those on women's skin.
  • Age: As we get older, our bodies make less collagen and elastin, which makes skin less flexible. Loss of fullness and flexibility in the skin over time makes pores large. This makes pores stand out more and look bigger.
  • Damage to the skin from the sun—Just like getting older can make pores bigger; sun damage can also break down collagen and elastin, which makes pores bigger.
  • Changes in hormone levels—As we age, our hormone levels change. When people hit puberty, their hormone production goes up a lot, which makes pores stand out more. Pore size may also change for women during their periods, pregnancy, and menopause.
  • Pharmaceuticals and supplements: Some cosmetic or systemic medicines can change hormone levels, which can make pores bigger or smaller. Depending on what they are made of, common medicines like hormonal birth control can either make holes bigger or smaller. Medications or pills that contain testosterone can make pores bigger. If you think that one of your medicines might be making you sick, talk to your doctor.
  • Type of skin: People with oily skin may have pores that are bigger and easier to see because they produce more sebum, the oil that our skin naturally makes.

How Do You Get Shrink Pores?

“Some people just have bigger pores,” says Dr. Harview. Even though it might not always be possible to get naturally larger pores to shrink, there are many ways to make pores look smaller and stop them from getting bigger. 

The first thing you should do is talk to a dermatologist. They can look over your list of medications and skincare routine to make sure you’re using the right products and getting the most out of your daily routine. Some of the best tips for getting shrink pores are:

Make your skincare routine better.

Make your skincare routine better.

Take care of your skin to keep it looking and feeling its best, protect it from damage caused by the sun and getting older, and stop redness and irritation.

 Because oily skin can make pores look bigger, make sure to look for products that are made for oily skin or that say they are oil-free or don’t shrink pores.

 To get rid of enlarged pores, a doctor can help you make a personalised daily skincare routine that works. But here are some things that every good skincare routine should have:

  • A gentle facial cleanserApply it in the morning and evening and anytime your face starts to sweat a lot.
  • Exfoliating can get rid of dead skin cells and clear out pores, which can make them look smaller. Chemical exfoliants can be good for some skin types if used a few times a week.
  • Serums and treatments: Retinols, both over-the-counter and prescription strength, can lower the production of sebum, make the skin smoother and more flexible, and boost the production of collagen and elastin.
  • After cleansing your face, put on moisturiser to keep it hydrated. This can actually stop your skin from making sebum, which can make your skin less oily and less noticeable pores.
  • Put on sunscreen every morning and every two hours when you’re out in the sun. It should be a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Over many years, protecting the face from UV rays and sun damage may help keep pores from getting bigger.

Think about dermatological treatments.

Many dermatological treatments can make pores less noticeable and skin tone and structure better in general. These include

dermatological treatments hydra facial
  • HydraFacial –A special tool is used in this one-of-a-kind skincare process to clear pores of sebum and dirt effectively. A moisturising serum is then applied directly to the skin. By cleaning the pores in this way and then applying the serum, the pores can be made smaller, and moisture can be locked in. This is a great way to get short-term relief from blackheads and pores that look bad. This process doesn’t take long to heal, but the effects last for a few days. It might be a good idea before a big event like a wedding.
  • Chemical Peels – These cosmetic dermatology procedures use chemicals to get rid of the top layers of skin and encourage the healthy turnover of skin cells. Some chemical peels can be done at home, but the stronger ones need to be done in a doctor’s office. With some recovery time, getting treatments in the office over and over again can give you benefits that last. The recovery time for in-office treatments is the longest, but the effects are most likely to last.
Chemical Peels
  • Microneedling –For these treatments, a lot of very small needles are used to make tiny holes in the skin. These wounds speed up the skin’s healing process, which makes it look full and plump and makes shrink pores . Getting treatments in the office over and over again also helps to permanently boost collagen in the skin, which means the effects last. This procedure doesn’t take long to heal, and the effects may not be obvious at first.
  • Laser therapy – Lasers of certain types can be used to smooth out skin and reduce the size of pores. Lasers like the CO2 laser make a lot of tiny holes in the skin and tissue.
Laser therapy
  •  New skin grows, and collagen production goes up as the skin naturally fixes itself. With just one treatment in the office, you can forever make pores look smaller, and your skin will look and feel healthier in general. This procedure usually gives the best and most noticeable effects, but it takes longer to heal.

Think about medicines

Prescription drugs, both topical and oral, can help reduce redness on the skin, speed up the turnover of skin cells, and improve skin health. This might be a good idea for people with oily or acne-prone skin because it can help shrink pores, especially if over-the-counter treatments haven’t helped.

Be kind to your skin.

kind to your skin

When you touch skin that has big pores, you should be gentle because it can get inflamed. If your shrink pores are getting clogged, you might want to pop or squeeze them or scrub your face to get rid of the dirt, grime, or oil that is blocking them. Even though it might make sense, squeezing, picking, or scrubbing your skin can make shrink pores look bigger and be easier to see.

Aside from not picking or scrubbing your skin, it would help if you also looked over your skincare routine, makeup, cleaners, and other normal products to make sure you’re not putting your skin through harsh, drying, and abrasive products without need. 

Choose products that don’t have alcohol, dyes, fragrances, or preservatives, as these are the most likely to be bad for your face. If you find that these products are making shrink pores look bigger, you might want to switch them out or stop using them.

Get help from a dermatologist.

If you’re interested in learning more about diminishing the appearance of enlarged pores, we hope you’ll consider working with one of the knowledgeable dermatologists in the U.S. Dermatology Partners.

 Our skilled practitioners can help you make the most of your skincare routine to diminish the appearance of enlarged pores and improve skin health.

 If you’re ready to learn more about skincare solutions or dermatologic treatment options, please complete our online scheduling request. Once we receive your scheduling request form, we’ll be in touch to finalise the details of your visit.

Last Thoughts

In conclusion, getting shrink pores is a common skincare goal. It’s important to remember that you can’t get rid of or “shrink” pores completely, but there are some good skincare habits you can use to make them look smaller and keep your skin healthy. Some of these methods are:


Q1: Can pores really be shrunk for good?

A1: No, pores can’t be permanently shrunk, but with the right skin care practices and treatments, they can look less noticeable. Genes mostly control the size of pores, but they can get bigger or smaller depending on many things.

Q2: What makes pores more large?

A2: Large Pores can be caused by too much oil production, dead skin cells, sun damage, and your genes. They may also look large when they are full of dirt and other things.

What is the best way to clean my shrink pores?

A3: To get rid of dirt and keep pores from getting clogged, use a light cleanser twice a day. To keep shrink pores clear, you might want to use a light exfoliant that has AHAs or BHAs in it.

Q4: Can skin care items make shrink pores?

A4: Some products with niacinamide, salicylic acid, or retinoids can help minimise the look of pores over time by lowering oil production and making the structure of the skin better.

What part does sunscreen play in taking care of pores?

A5: Sunscreen is very important because UV rays can damage collagen and make holes look bigger. Using broad-spectrum sunscreen every day can help stop this from happening.

Q6: Are there treatments that professionals can do to reduce the size of pores?

Sure, doctors can help get rid of the look of large pores with treatments like microdermabrasion, chemical peels, and laser therapy.

Q7: How long does it take for the pores to get smaller?

A7: Results are different for everyone, but if you use the right skincare products and treatments every day, you may see results in a few weeks to a few months.

How do food and lifestyle affect the size of pores?

A8: A healthy lifestyle and a well-balanced diet can help your skin in general, but they might not have a big effect on the size of your pores.

Do you think makeup can help hide large pores?

A9: Makeup can hide pores for a short time, but it’s important to keep up with good skincare practice to get rid of the problems that are making pores larger in the first place.

Question 10: Is it safe to use home treatments for pore reduction that I find online?

A10: Some home treatments might work, but they can also be harsh or not work at all. Before you try any home remedies, talk to a doctor to make sure they are safe for your skin type.

1 comment

Retinol Before and After Pores for Skincare By Glum - Glum Skincare January 13, 2024 - 1:27 PM

[…] a retinoid to open up your pores will help you get less acne over time. Retinoids are very good at fighting acne. In one study, […]


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