6 Exercises to Improve Posterior Deltoid Strength

by Miral khattak
Posterior Deltoid

The posterior deltoids stabilise the shoulder joints and help with many pulling tasks. In addition to push-ups and rows, other workouts can help. It would help to have strong shoulders to lift, push, and pull things for safety.

It would help to work out many muscles at different angles to get more muscular shoulders. When you work out or do everyday things, the front of your shoulder, especially the anterior deltoid, tends to be stronger. 

For example, the anterior deltoid helps you lift your arms in front of you and press weights, like when you do the bench press.

But it’s also essential to work on developing the middle and back deltoids.

These two muscles, the middle and posterior deltoid, move your humerus forward and backward. The middle deltoid moves your arms to the sides, and the rear deltoid moves your humerus behind you.

The posterior deltoid also helps move your shoulders outward, like when you make the “I don’t know” sign with your hands spread out. 

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  • They all work together to keep your shoulders stable so you can do everyday things like holding big grocery bags with your arms at your sides. But it can be hard to work on the back deltoids in the gym.
  • These six moves will help you build strength in your back, deltoid, and shoulders. Try adding a few of these moves as part of your usual strength training each week. 

Bent-over Row With one Arm

Bent-over Row With one Arm

It would help if you did this while working out your back and shoulders. This multi-joint move will help you build posterior shoulder strength. Try to do it at the end of the day.

Dumbbells and a bench are needed.

The back, arms, transverse abdominals, and rear deltoids were worked out. 

  1. Put your left hand and knee on the bench. Don’t bend your left arm.
  2. Keep your right foot on the floor for support, and extend your right leg slightly behind you. Keep your back straight and your spine straight.
  3. Do this with your right hand on a medium to heavy dumbbell, and your arm stretched out toward the floor.
  4. Pull your right elbow up and back until your upper arm is levelled with your lower chest.
  5. At the top of the move, squeeze your shoulder blades together.
  6. Take care of the weight loss.
  7. Do 10–12 reps on one side before moving on to the other arm. Do three sets. 

Helpful Hint: 

  • During the action, try to keep your trunk still and not turn it. Drop the weight or stop the set and rest before your next one if you can’t keep your trunk steady. 

Show that Your Posterior Deltoid Shoulder is Muscular. 

Posterior Deltoid Shoulder is Muscular.

Standing Lateral Raise With the Knees Bent

Standing Lateral Raise With the Knees Bent

  • Start with a lighter weight when you do a long-arm lateral exercise. As you get stronger, you can bring the weight up.
  • If you start this move with a significant weight, you could hurt yourself. Don’t worry, though. The safest way to get stronger is still to use a lighter weight.
  • A pair of small to medium-weight dumbbells is needed.
  • Worked out muscles: back deltoids, middle deltoids, rhomboids, and middle trapezius 

What to do:

  1. Keep your hands facing each other as you hold a pair of dumbbells.
  2. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees and bend forward at the hips while keeping your back straight. The weights should be together below your chest, and your arms should be loose.
  3. Lift your arms up and out until they are straight out from your body, like wings.
  4. At the top of the move, squeeze your shoulder blades together.
  5. Slowly and carefully lower the weights back to where they started.
  6. You should only be able to do 10 to 12 reps with the weights. Do two or three sets. 

Helpful Hint: 

  • During the practice, try to keep your head and your back straight.

 High-Pull Cable Machine with Ropes

 High-Pull Cable Machine with Ropes

  • This move is a fun way to change your shoulder workout, but you will need some gym gear. When you work out your muscles, changing the angles can work your deltoids in a way they aren’t used to. This will make you stronger.
  • Needed: a cable machine with a rope adapter that has two handles
  • Back and middle deltoids, trapezius, and rhomboids were worked out. 

To do it,

  1.  stand facing the cable machine with your feet about hip-width apart.
  2. Set the cable connection so that it’s about chest height, and then connect the rope handle to it.
  3. Walk back so your arms are out in front of you. Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
  4. As you pull the ropes toward you, spread them out. To help work those deltoids, keep your hands up high.
  5. Bring your elbows back out to the starting position slowly and carefully.
  6. You should be able to do 10 to 12 reps with that weight. Do two or three sets. 

Pro Tips:

  • Bend your elbows 45 to 90 degrees from your sides as you pull the rope apart and toward your chest.
  • If it hurts or feels stiff to have your elbows 90 degrees away from your sides (along the line of your shoulders), move them closer until they feel better.
  • Maintain a straight back and a raised head. Stand tall so your back does not bend.
  • You can also do this while holding a resistance band before you. 

 Machine in the Back Shoulder

 Machine in the Back Shoulder

At your neighbourhood gym, a machine is made to work the posterior deltoid muscles. This makes it simple to operate those muscles safely and challenging.

Things you’ll need: deltoids in the back

Back deltoids, middle trapezius, and rhomboids were worked out. 

To do it, 

  1. Face the pad while sitting on the machine. It will look like you’re sitting on it backward, but you’re in the right place for this practice. Set the seat height so the handles in front of you are level with your hips.
  2. Press your arms back while holding the handles. Your palms can be facing each other or down. Your arms can stay straight or slightly bent.
  3. Like elevator doors, squeeze your shoulder blades together.
  4. Put your hands before you and hold this position for two seconds. Then, go back to the starting position. Take your time and be careful.
  5. Do 10 to 12 reps. 

Pro tip:

  • Try not to arch your back and keep your chest on the pad. 

Pull-up with Help

Most people need a little help to do pull-ups because they are a very effective way to work out their upper bodies. The back of your shoulders, the trapezius, the biceps, and the lats are all helped by this move.

Needed: an automated pull-up machine

The latissimus dorsi, deltoids, middle and lower trapezius, and biceps were worked out. 

What to do: 

  • Change how much weight is taken off the side of the machine. Pick out the right amount and press “Set.”
  • Use your legs to push the knee pad down until it’s low enough for both knees to touch. Your knees should be about the width of your hips apart.
  • Hold the outside handles above your head so your palms do not face the middle.
  • Stretch your arms out and lower yourself back to the starting position.
  • Lift your body until your chin is at or above the handles.
  • Hold the pose for a few seconds, and then slowly lower yourself. Pay attention to keeping your shoulder blades together. It would help if you pressed them down and back.
  • Do 6–8 reps first and work up to 10–12 reps. 

Helpful Hints: 

  • It would help if you started with a weight that is light enough to make the exercise difficult but not so light that you can’t do it correctly.
  • Starting with no help is fine if you can do some reps with good form. You can switch to using it once you can’t do any more reps without help. 

External Movement on the Side

This practice is mainly about the rear deltoid’s ability to rotate outward. It also works on the infraspinatus and teres minor muscles in the rotator cuff.

Towels and dumbbells are needed.

The back deltoid, rotator cuff, middle trapezius, and rhomboids were some of the muscles that were worked. 

To do it,

  1.  Lie on your side and hold a light bar.
  2. Lay your upper arm on your side and bend your elbow 90 degrees. Put a towel roll between your upper arm and your middle if your shoulders are broad.
  3. Turn your arm around your chest as far as you can without letting your upper arm move off your body. Hold for one to two seconds, then slowly lower it back to where it started. Do 10 to 12 reps. 

Pro Tips:

  • Let your upper arm move back and forth like a door hinge while it stays on your body.
  • Try not to move your shoulders back and keep your body still. Instead of trying to get your chest to move more, work with the range of motion in your shoulders. 

In the End

When you pull something, the posterior or back delts are a critical shoulder muscle. They also help keep your shoulder stable. For good shoulder mobility, it makes sense to make them stronger.

As with any exercise plan, you should talk to a doctor or nurse before taking on these routines for the first time. It would help if you also worked with a certified trainer to use the tools safely and achieve your goals. 

If you want to balance your shoulders, making these moves with your regular shoulder exercises will help balance the heavy, front-loaded moves you usually do at the gym. 

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